Naslov Metoda sanacije opasnih mjesta na cestama uz pomoć georeferenciranoga videozapisa
Naslov (engleski) Method of Sanation of Dangerous Spots on Roads with the Use of Geo-Referenced Video
Autor Predrag Brlek
Mentor Ivan Dadić (mentor)
Mentor Goran Kos (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Grgo Luburić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Ivan Dadić (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Goran Kos (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Anđelko Ščukanec (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Medak Damir (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 202890
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet prometnih znanosti Zagreb
Datum i država obrane 2017-01-20, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI Tehnologija prometa i transport Cestovni i željeznički promet
Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija (UDC ) 656.1/.5 - Kopneni prijevoz
Sažetak Problem istraživanja doktorske disertacije jest iznalaženje načina za povećanje sigurnosti prometa, analizom uzroka i načina događanja prometnih nesreća u vozačevoj okolini. Te razlike su često presudan faktor nastanka prometne nesreće. Brojne prometne nesreće nastaju zbog neodgovarajućeg razumijevanja informacija o pružanju ceste i njenim elementima. Osnovna funkcija prometne signalizacije (i okoline ceste) je da pravilno djeluje na ponašanje vozača. Svrha izrade doktorske disertacije je
... Više definirati novu metodu analize i sanacije opasnih mjesta izmjenom vozačeve okoline kako bi sudionici u prometu blagovremeno, jasno i nedvosmisleno, i u nepovoljnim uvjetima, uočili opasnost na cesti i time izbjegli prometne nesreće. Problemi sigurnosti cestovnog prometa rezultat su kompleksnog međuovisnog djelovanja četiri skupine sudionika, od kojih tri skupine predstavljaju neposredni sudionici u prometu (cesta, vozilo, sudionik - vozač, pješak, putnik i sl.) te neizravni sudionici u prometu u koje spadaju svi oni koji su sudjelovali ili sudjeluju u osmišljavanju, uspostavljanju, organizaciji i upravljanju sustavom cestovnog prometa (projektanti, graditelji, oni koji održavaju ceste i vozila, donose propise ili obrazuju ili na drugi neizravan način sudjeluju u oživotvorenju sustava cestovnog prometa. Okolina ceste, osobito na opasnim mjestima, mora biti takva da bude posredna, ali nedvosmislena i jasna informacija koju će vozač i u uvjetima loše vidljivosti i relativnog umora prepoznati te će primjereno postupiti radi izbjegavanja prometne nesreće. Istraživanja pokazuju da se izmjenom okoline, sa stajališta sigurnosti prometa, uz vrlo male investicije može sanirati najveći broj opasnih mjesta, tzv. crnih točaka, u cjelini, a djelomično sve. Jedan od ciljeva Europske unije je i smanjenje smrtnih slučajeva za 50 posto na cestama. Kao jedna od metoda za povećanje sigurnosti na cestama spominje se i posebno označivanje crnih točaka te sastavljanje popisa crnih točaka na trans-europskoj mreži cesta, koje će biti označene, između ostalog, i brojem žrtava na toj crnoj točki. Primjenom Metode sanacije opasnih mjesta na cestama uz pomoć georeferenciranoga videozapisa taj je cilj ostvariv. Sakrij dio sažetka
Sažetak (engleski) Problem of the research of the doctors thesis in the wider sense is identifying ways to increase traffic safety and in wider sense create a list of dangerous spots on the traffic road network of the Republic of Croatia in a way, which is accordant to the European Union. Analysis of causes and ways of happening of traffic accidents shows to the differences in drivers surroundings. Such differences often represent critical factor of traffic injury occurrence. Numerous traffic accidents
... Više occur because of inappropriate understanding of information on road and its elements. Basic function of the traffic signalization (and road surroundings) is to correctly impact drivers behaviour. Road surrounding consists of standard and nonstandard signalization and other parts of the road, as the picture in sight of the driver. The purpose of creating doctors thesis is to define new method of analysis. Surrounding of the road consists of standard and nonstandard signalization and other parts of the road, as the image of total space in the sight area of the driver. The purpose of the doctors thesis is to define the new method of analysis and recovery of dangerous spots by changing the drivers surroundings in order to enable the traffic participants to notice timely, clearly and unambiguously, even in unfavourable conditions, danger on the road and thus avoid traffic accidents. This would contribute to the development of the credible scientific method, which will with significantly higher probability achieve exact conclusions and optimal solutions. The goal is to increase road traffic safety with minimal costs and to provide methodological guidelines for recovery of dangerous spots with this method. Doctors thesis is continuing research which was earlier performed in the Institute for Traffic and Transportation. Studying the perception of the elements of perspective picture from the drivers surroundings, which contribute to traffic safety of this part of the road enables that the road surroundings is changed or designed, in a way to clearly and timely provide all the necessary information about road danger under practically every conditions. Road traffic safety issues are the result of complex interdependent activity of four groups of participants, out of which three groups represent direct traffic participants (the road, the vehicle, participant driver, pedestrian, passenger etc) and indirect traffic participants which are all these who participated or are participating in designing, establishing, organization and management of the road traffic system (designers, builders, persons in charge for road and vehicles maintenance, create legislation or educate or in any other way participate in bringing the road traffic system to life. The information on hoe the road is placed in the space of horizontal and vertical curve or crossroads may often be obtained only by mediation of the road surroundings. Therefore the road surroundings, especially on the dangerous spots, should be such that it is indirect, but unambiguous and clear information which the driver may even in the time of bad visibility and relative fatigue recognise, and will act appropriately to avoid traffic accident. Researches indicate that change of the surroundings, from the traffic safety, with minor investments, may recover majority of the so called black spots, in total, and partially all. Construction-technical reconstruction of greater proportions or only change of pavements may and should be performed only in case of special traffic requirements. On the basis of experimental research, applied on eight recovered dangerous spots, by using the central projection method (mathematical, graphical, fieldwork and photographic) in designing of the traffic signalization, number of traffic accidents is decreased by 30-70 percent. Further scientific-research work and gaining practical experience will enable wider usage of changing of drivers surroundings methodology through the methods based on central projection. Central projection, combined with georeferenced video footage, in searching desired look of the change of the drivers surroundings may give significant contribution in analysis of the current situation and even more in designing the new desired condition. One of the European Union goals is decrease of the death cases by 50% on the roads. One of the mentioned methods to increase road safety is as well special marking of the black spots and creating their list on the trans-european road network which will be marked among other by the number of victims on the black spot. By applying the Method of recovering dangerous spots on the roads with the help of georeferenced video footage, this goal may be achieved. Sakrij dio sažetka
Ključne riječi
sanacija opasnih zavoja
georeferencirani videozapis
Ključne riječi (engleski)
sanation of dangerous curves
georeferenced video
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:119:181122
Studijski program Naziv: Tehnološki sustavi u prometu i transportu Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: poslijediplomski doktorski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (dr. sc.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Opseg 113 str. ; 30 cm
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2017-02-24 14:41:35