Title Utjecaj kvarova komponenata glavnog motora kontejnerskih brodova na opskrbni lanac
Title (english) The Impact of Container Vessel Main Engine Failures on Supply Chain
Author Mateja Kulej
Mentor Tomislav Rožić (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Pašagić Škrinjar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristijan Rogić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Šafran (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (Division of Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics) (Department of Transport Logistics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics
Abstract Svjetska globalizacija stvara ovisnost o pravodobnosti i sigurnosti opskrbe koja se provodi kroz kompleksnu pripremu i realizaciju prostorne i vremenske transformacije dobara, usluga i znanja. Pomorski promet najzastupljeniji je oblik prijevoza tereta koji u ukupnom svjetskom prijevozu sudjeluje s oko 80%, dok se 60% tereta u pomorskom prometu prevozi kontejnerskim brodovima. Svrha kontejnerskih brodova u opskrbnom lancu je povezivanje globalnog gospodarstva gdje je najniža zastupljenost
... More troškova prijevoza tereta koja se očituje kroz potražnju. Razlog tome je trend u proizvodnji koji zahtjeva ekonomsku efikasnost kroz lokacije nižih troškova. Koncentracija proizvodnje na svjetskoj razini pokriva Azijsko i Pacifičko područje, te se u pogledu Europe stvorila velika udaljenost. Udaljenost sa sobom nosi rizik koji se odražava na opskrbni lanac. Kašnjenja, mnoštvo točaka ukrcaja, iskrcaja i prekrcaja stvaraju dodatan problem kada se govori o kvalitetnoj organizaciji logistike. S druge strane, važna je i pouzdanost prijevoznog sredstva kojim se vrši prijenos dobara na iznimno velikoj udaljenosti. Krajnji kupac konstantno zahtijeva smanjenje troškova prijevoza i vremena isporuke, dok logistika pokušava upravljati i odgovoriti na njihove zahtjeve. Globalna razmjena dobara primarno je distribuirana pomorskim prometom u kojem ključnu ulogu imaju kontejnerski brodovi. Njihova važnost proizlazi iz većinskog udjela globalnog prijevoza tereta gdje su postepeno opskrbni lanci postali zavisni o ovoj vrsti prijevoznog sredstva. Kvarovi dijelova glavnog brodskog motora uzrokuju kašnjenja i opstrukciju opskrbnog lanca odnosno povećanje logističkih troškova što u konačnici generira veće ukupne troškove. Iz tih razloga nužna je pouzdanosti dijelova glavnog motora kontejnerskih brodova. Pouzdanost osigurava smanjene troškova i vremena te povećava sigurnost isporuke u opskrbnom lancu. Specifikacija dijelova svodi se na istoimene kriterije zbog homogenosti komponenata tehničkog sustava. Tijekom plovidbe broda, stručno i obučeno osoblje, koje posjeduje sposobnosti temeljene na iskustvu, provode najveći dio pregleda glavnog motora što je ujedno i najpouzdanija podloga za snimanje stanja opreme. Prevencija se postiže evidentiranjem kvarova, njihovih uzročnika i uvjeta u kojima su se dogodili. Međutim, važno je praćenje rada komponenata glavnog motora prema tehničkom priručniku propisanom od strane proizvođača. Svaka promjena stanja vodi se evidencijom u različito dostupnim programima koji daju uvid u povijest unesenih podataka i trenutno praćenom radu. Mogućnost nastajanja neplaniranih zastoja i havarija mogu stvoriti dodatne troškove, gdje svaki sat brodovlasniku povećava operativne troškove, a kao posljedica javlja se konsternacija opskrbnog lanca. Zadatak stručnog osoblja, odgovornog za ekonomičnu i pouzdanu eksploataciju, je smanjiti ili spriječiti mogućnost nastanka zastoja. Istraživanje se temelji na izvornim podatcima kontejnerskih brodova, koji su u eksploataciji, unutar vremenskog razdoblja od 11 godina. U analizama kvarova nedvojbeno se najviše koristi Weibull-ova distribucija koja kroz određeni interval pokazuje da se izborom odgovarajućih vrijednosnih parametara mogu protumačiti vrlo složeni zakoni slučajno promjenljivih veličina. Kao glavni rezultat istraživanja očekuje se utvrditi pouzdanost proizvodnje pojedinih komponenata glavnog motora na kontejnerskim brodovima te njihov utjecaj na funkcioniranje logističkog sustava brodara. Prijedlozi rješenja temeljit će se sukladno provedenoj analizi i Weibull-ovoj distribuciji. Temeljem navedene distribucije izvorni podatci s naglaskom na primarne komponente prikazat će broj radnih sati unutar kojih se desilo najviše kvarova te će se tim saznanjem zaključiti određena pouzdanost i izraditi plan izmjene komponenata glavnog motora kontejnerskih brodova. Dobiveni rezultati mogu se koristiti kao podloga za optimizaciju rada kontejnerskih brodova, odnosno brodara. Less
Abstract (english) World globalization creates a dependence on timeliness and security of supply which is carried out through the complex preparation and implementation of the spatial and temporal transformation of goods, services, and knowledge. Maritime transport is the most represented form of freight transport, which accounts for about 80% of the total world transport, while 60% of the freight in maritime transport is transported by container vessels. The purpose of container vessels in the supply
... More chain is to connect the global economy where the lowest representation of cargo transportation costs is manifested through demand. The reason for this is the trend in production which requires economic efficiency through finding locations of lower costs. The concentration of production at the world level covers the Asia and Pacific region, which has created a great distance in terms of Europe. Distance brings with it risk that is reflected in the supply chain. Delays, numerous loading, unloading and transshipment points create an additional problem when it comes to quality organization of logistics. On the other side, the reliability of the means of transport used to transfer goods over an extremely long distance is also important. The end customer is constantly demanding a reduction in transportation costs and delivery times, while logistics is trying to manage and respond to their demands. The global exchange of goods is primarily distributed by maritime transport in which container vessels play a key role. Their importance stems from the majority of the share of global freight transport, where supply chains have gradually become dependent on this type of transport. Container vessels main engine parts failures cause delays and obstruction of the supply chain, i.e., an increase in logistics costs, which ultimately generates higher total costs. For these reasons, the reliability of the container vessels main engine parts is necessary. Reliability ensures reduced costs, and time and increases the security of delivery in the supply chain. The specification of parts is reduced to the criteria of the same name due to the homogeneity of the technical components system. During the vessel navigation, professional and trained staff, which owns experience-based capabilities, conduct most of the main reviews of the engine, which is also the most reliable basis for recording the condition of the equipment. Prevention is achieved by recording failures, their causes, and the conditions in which they occurred. However, it is important to monitor the operation of the components of the main engine according to the technical manual prescribed by the manufacturer. Every change of state is conducted with records in various available programs that provide insight into the history of the entries data and monitored work. The possibility of unplanned stoppages and breakdowns can create additional costs, where every hour increases operational costs for the shipowner, and as a result, consternation in the supply chain occurs. The task of professional staff, responsible for economical and reliable exploitation, is to reduce or prevent the possibility of breakdowns. The research is based on the data of container vessels, which are in operation, within a period of 11 years. Weibull distribution is the most widely used in failure analysis, which shows that through a certain interval, very complex laws of randomly varying quantities can be interpreted by choosing appropriate value parameters. As the main result of the research, it is expected to determine the reliability of the production of individual components of the container vessels main engine and their influence on the functioning of the shipping company's logistics system. Proposals for solutions will be based on the conducted analysis and the Weibull distribution. Based on the aforementioned distribution, the data with an emphasis on the primary components will show the number of working hours during which the most failures occurred, and with this knowledge, will be concluded certain reliability and a plan for changing the individual components of the container vessels main engine. The obtained results can be used as a basis for optimizing the work of container vessels, and shipping companies. Less
opskrbni lanac
pomorski promet
kontejnerski brodovi
Weibull-ova distribucija
Keywords (english)
supply chain
maritime transport
container vessels
Weibull distribution
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:119:579803
Study programme Title: Intelligent Transport Systems and Logistics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka prometa (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka prometa)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2024-04-01
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-13 14:37:10